This was one where the lines just poured out of me. I feel like a younger me from a year or two ago would have really struggled with the angle, the pose, the expression, the polish, but it all came very naturally. Sometimes improvement isn't about making better pieces, but making the same pieces with less struggle.
This is where I really start to hit my stride with odd angles. Coincidentally, it's also one where I did a lot more studying of references than usual. How odd - it's almost as if drawing from life makes our output much better. This is a synthesis of a lot of different concepts I've been dabbling in over the month: much like day 2 it uses line weight to suggest depth, it uses day 5's polygonal lasso technique for the glitch effect, and I've been making efforts to improve my drawings of people from above and below all month, but it definitely looks better than day 14's attempt.
I'm also quite proud of the glitched version.