Here's where I confess my sins to you: this is actually my favorite method of shading. It also doesn't look that good, but it's certainly the one I have the most fun with.

Cell and painted shading are a joy, don't get me wrong, but my favorite thing to do is slap a bunch of bright lines on over the lineart where the light source is coming from. No care in the world for how messy it turns out, just fingerpainting with a thick solid brush over everything. I even did it twice over in this one, going over my lines with a bright purple and then an even brighter pink. It's messy. It's sketchy. And it's my greatest weakness.

I did clip it to some of the places where I couldn't afford to lose detail, like in the hand, but my favorite parts are always where I let loose and color outside the lines, like on the jacket sleeves. There is a large difference between "it's good" and "I like it." I really like this one.